Ultimate Fighter

Ultimate Fighter is one of the best arcade shooting games specially designed for BlackBerry owners. All the outstanding graphics, special effects, soundtrack and 100% of pure gameplay are fully optimized for BlackBerry. You have only one mission: Slaughter Enemies and Survive! There are tons of enemies to shoot, but do not forget to use your ultimate fighter’s special skill and self-defenders to conquer them!

Incredible graphics and top of fun! Just enjoy and start your mission NOW!

a Up: Num 2 or Trackball Scroll Up
b Down: Num 8 or Trackball Scroll Down
c Left: Num 4 or Trackball Scroll Left
d Right: Num 6 or Trackball Scroll Right
e Defend: Num 5 or Trackball Press Down
f Skills: Spacebar

– Features
a 2 Ultimate fighters available with self-defender, different weapons and special skills
b 5 stages and 5 big bosses
c Plenty of enemies to destroy
d Upgradable weapons, health pack, and other bonus available
e Fully Optimized for BlackBerry

App Name:Ultimate Fighter

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:552 KB

Cost:US$3.99 USD