Fruit Truck Game for BlackBerry PlayBook
Fruits are falling from the trees, you have to collect them. Each fruit collected gives you 10 points. If you catch the golden star, you get 100 points. If a fruit falls on the ground, you lose a life.
Do not collect the thorn fruit, you will lose 10 points.
Keep an eye on the Load bar. If it is has reached full capacity and shows a red bar, you need to empty the truck by tilting your PlayBook 75 degrees in clock-wise direction.
If the trucks load capacity has reached red zone, no points will be scored but you can still catch the fruits to avoid losing a life, till you find an appropriate condition to empty the truck.
Good luck!
App Name:Fruit Truck Game for BlackBerry PlayBook
App Version:3.0.0
App Size:1296 KB
Cost:US$0.99 USD