miPhone BLACK
Do like themes that really show off your wallpaper but still offer all the user needs you might have? This is the theme for you! This icon driven theme provides you with a sliding home screen that not only holds up to 16 icons device dependent but also shows off your wallpaper! This exciting, sleek theme uses bold icons and easy use to set your BlackBerry apart!
In order to switch to your new theme you need to go to OPTIONS-THEMES.
*All screen shots are of OS 5.0
* OS 6 compatible!
***OS 6 USERS – With the relatively new OS 6 releases there may be certain small limitations that MIGHT occur in the themes such as an icon or two not being correctly skinned, etc ***
App Name:miPhone BLACK
App Version:1.2.0
App Size:1391 KB
Cost:US$4.99 USD