Fountain Of Beauty
What do girls love more than diamonds, butterflies, and pink? Why not get her what she wants with this girly bling theme? This theme just screams status and class with a diamond ring and beautiful butterflies.
Do you like this theme? Have some Ideas for other cool themes? Please leave us a review so we can continue to serve you better! The more reviews and suggestions you give us, the more of your favorite and customizable themes we can supply to you!
Screenshots provided are for the 9700 and 9500 models. Your specific device may display the theme in a slightly different way unique to your particular device design.
Due to the unreliability of mobile phone networks, please make sure you are downloading and installing this them while connected to w WIFI NETWORK.
In the Apps Menu select OPTIONS
Navigate to THEMES and select it
Pick the desired theme from this list and CLICK on in.
Return to HOME screen
You are now using your new theme.
For the best results, remove the battery with the phone still on after your theme installation has completed and then reboot your phone.
Having problems or suggestions for new themes? We would love to hear from you, please contact us at
You can also follow us and look for more cool themes at or follow us on Facebook at
App Name:Fountain Of Beauty
App Version:1.0.0
App Size:190 KB
Cost:US$2.99 USD