Black Glass 6

Hello world lets give a big round of applause to the wallpaper friendly "BlackGlass6.0". This Elegant yet stylish theme is nothing more than a compliment to the perfection and functionality of Blackberry OS6 meaning your operating system stays, just gets a little makeover . BLACK was the color of choice and all lists, buttons, and pop-ups allow the white font to really jump out at you, GLASS was added here and there for maturity. Screen transition effects were removed improving navigation speed and possible extended battery life due to the darker displays*.The icon set was upgraded using the ClockTopia icon set, which was created by StaticFX from Blackberry Theme Lab Designed for OS6/BlackBerry Torch 9800. Professional yet Stylish!
Enjoy, brought to you by Themeboy Innovations and Design.
*extended battery life not yet lab confirmed based on user reports only

App Name:Black Glass 6

App Version:3.0.0

App Size:533 KB

Cost:US$2.99 USD