This custom Theme created by AHaz and JMal Designs has a fully customized icon set as well as custom banner and banner icons.The theme includes a notifications screen, as well as a Search Widget. The BlackBerry Storm Version also includes a custom lock screen accessed via the home screen does not use the lock button, or deactivate the buttons. In addition the Storm version includes sliding panels to allow for access to an addition 8 icons from your home screen. The Theme also features an About Screen plug-in which shows provides useful information including Remaining Battery, Signal Strength, Approximate Free Memory and much more! The About Screen and Search Widget were created by Epic Applications.
**It is NOT recommended to have messages/calendar on your homescreen bc the hidden today used for the notifications tab will show up on top of your icons and blends in w stock background
**Weather App Not Included
**Quicklaunch Not Included
Signal meter is green with full service
Trackball/Pad Navigation
*Theme Button 1 Up to Notifications Tab tab will come down to show invisible button is highlighted Then Click
*Scroll Down to get to messages on navigation screen
*Scroll Right from messages to get to calendar
*Scroll Down from messages/calendar to hidden today or Close notifications button if no messages/events are displayed will go straight to close button
*Scroll Down after clicking on Close to get to Theme button 6
Trackball Shortcut Keys
trackball/pad devices
shift + A launches about screen
shift + S launches search widget
shift + H hides search widget
shift + G shows search widget
$ profiles
Spacebar QuickLaunch Shortcut
Touchscreen navigation
*see image above
Storm Berry Weather 2 suggested Homescreen Wallpaper Location
App Name:BeNexus
App Version:1.0.0
App Size:866 KB
Cost:US$0.99 USD