Vox Spanish Language Thesaurus

The indispensable vocabulary to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to express oneself with the maximum precision when talking and writing

25 500 entries
128 000 synonyms and antonyms
7 500 quotations and commentaries that facilitate the choice of the appropriate synonym or antonym in each context.
An exhaustive repertoire of the language spoken in Spain and in America
A clear lay out that makes the use of this dictionary much easier

The Vox Spanish Thesaurus is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict
offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

* Quick dynamic search of words while you type
* Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
* Fully optimized for touchscreen devices
* Hyperlinks between different related words
* Learning features
* Support for memory cards

App Name:Vox Spanish Language Thesaurus

App Version:7.2.0

App Size:430 KB

Cost:US$15.99 USD