MSDict Turkish -German-Turkish Dictionary

MSDict Dictionary Turkish-German-Turkish contains around 120,000 headwords and phrases. The ideal reference work for learners of German and Turkish.


Youre sure to find what youre looking for with this comprehensive dictionary that includes extensive coverage of new words. Its the ideal companion for every occasion.

* 120,000 headwords and phrases
* with 20,000 new words such as "termal kamera", "aktarm hz", "Promi" and "Fotohandy"
* the latest vocabulary with many example sentences
* includes: terminology in the field of business, finance, law, medicine and ecology

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The PONS Compact Dictionary Turkish-German-Turkish is utilized by MSDict Viewer. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

* Quick dynamic search of words while you type
* Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
* Fully optimized to support touchscreen devices
* Hyperlinks between different related words
* Learning features
* Support for memory cards

App Name:MSDict Turkish -German-Turkish Dictionary

App Version:7.1.0

App Size:325 KB

Cost:US$16.99 USD