Collins COBUILD Student Dictionary
The Collins COBUILD Student s Dictionary Plus Grammar is the perfect language tool for intermediate language learners. You will find all the words you need, defined clearly in full sentences. Including a much wider range of words than ever before, the extensive coverage of geographical, scientific, and technical entries has been updated by the Collins team of leading academic experts
The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today
* Over 40,000 words and definitions
* Have confidence
Discover all the latest words as they appear in the language.
* Get it right
You can rely on Collins all our definitions, examples, idioms and usage notes are based on the Collins Word Web – our constantly updated 2.5 billion-word database of today s English.
* Get there fast
Accessible layout that s easy on the eye, guiding you quickly to what you want.
Words are tools for life. And a Collins Dictionary makes them work for you.
The MSDict Dictionary Format
The Collins COBUILD Student s Dictionary Plus Grammar is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.
* Quick dynamic search of words while you type
* Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
* Fully optimized to support the latest BlackBerry Storm model with touchscreen
* Hyperlinks between different related words
* Dynamic changing of font sizes – the font size can be increased to extra large within the word definitions
* Learning features
* Wildcard filtration feature the use of ? replaces a letter and * replaces a group of letters within words
* Support of multiple dictionaries installed at a time
* Support for MMC, memory stick, and SD memory cards
App Name:Collins COBUILD Student Dictionary
App Version:6.2.1
App Size:187 KB
Cost:US$9.99 USD