BEIKS Collection of Tongue-Twisters

Has a friend ever challenged you to try a tongue twister? You know what tongue twisters are: those crazy phrases that tie your tongue in knots when you say them ten-times-fast and make whoevers listening collapse with laughter. Next time someone suggests you say one, be prepared with one to ask in return.

This free collection of tongue-twisters for BlackBerry contains over 600 tongue twisters and their variations. Most of the phrases are to be repeated rapidly, some are one-liners, some are jokes, and some are rhymes and poems.

Tongue twisters are not only for light-hearted linguistic fun and games. They serve a practical purpose in practising pronunciation. English tongue twisters may be used by foreign students of English to improve their accent, actors who need to develop a certain accent, and by speech therapists to help those with speech difficulties.

App Name:BEIKS Collection of Tongue-Twisters for BlackBerry

App Version:5.5.0

App Size:144 KB