SBZ Converter

SBZ Weight Volume Converter
created by global fuel additive supplier SBZ Corporation.

In industries handling liquids, units of measure are commonly referred to in both weight and volume i.e. metric tonnes, cubic metres, kilos, litres, barrels, gallons and lbs. The SBZ Weight Volume Converter is an accurate, easy to use mathematical tool that allows conversions between different units, whether its from volumetoweight, weighttovolume, volumetovolume or weighttoweight. The SBZ Weight Volume Converter will also store your most recent calculation, giving you fast access to your regularly used conversions.

Its simple:
Select the conversion option you require via the main menu
Enter the units that you want to convert From and To
Enter the quantity that you are converting From using the keypad
Enter the relative density where applicable via the keypad
The result will be automatically displayed.


SBZ Corporation has made every effort to ensure the SBZ Weight Volume Converter provides accurate results and cannot be held responsible for calculation errors.
SBZ Corporation strongly recommends users to doublecheck their input figures prior to calculation. Users experiencing difficulty with the SBZ Weight Volume Converter should contact the company. SBZ Corporation welcomes user comments.

App Name:SBZ Converter

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:803 KB