
Stay informed and prepared with live local weather, severe weather alerts, indepth forecasts, camera views, detailed radar maps and international weather. The features of the WeatherBug application for the BlackBerry Storm include:

Live neighborhood weather from over 8,000 weather stations in the U.S.
Current weather, forecast and NWS alerts for your GPS location.
Current conditions icon and outdoors temperature on your BlackBerry desktop.
Always on NWS weather alerts such as Tornado warnings.
7day and hourly forecasts.
Detailed radar and maps.
Daily National Weather Outlook broadcasts provided by WeatherBug meteorologists.
Check the weather on BlackBerry Maps by simply touching any area on the map for two 2 seconds.
View snapshots and timelapse animations from more than 2,000 weather cameras in the U.S.
Setup new locations by pulling the location information from your contact list.
Share the current weather information, forecast, alerts and camera views with friends and family.

The application is Advertising supported and free for consumers.

App Name:WeatherBug

App Version:

App Size:1135 KB