
Welcome to MyExchanges

Get this currency converter with you every time you travel!

MyExchanges is a simple yet powerful currency converter and can be of great use for comparing prices for a certain item in different currencies.
It uses the exchange rate inputted by the user in the settings menu to convert between the two currencies of choice.
Results are presented in an instant with two decimals and also rounded.
New version greatly improves the user interface and features:

You are able to setup once and then forget the two currencies and the exchange rate.
They are stored in the memory of the device so that every time you use the application they get retrieved automatically.
5 most common currencies EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHF are implemented but there is also a generic currency included. This will allow you to perform exchanges between virtually any two currencies available in the world.
Slick user interface
Minimum number of key presses: the result gets calculated automatically once you input the amount or the exchange rate
Copy the results and paste them wherever you need them
Help for using MyExchanges is available right in the application.

App Name:MyExchanges

App Version:3.0.2

App Size:42 KB

Cost:US$4.99 USD