Miele Guide Lite 2009-2010

The Miele Guide Lite 2009/2010 BlackBerry Edition

Reviews of all 450 restaurants from 16 Asian countries featured in The Miele Guide 2009/2010
Insightful country introductions and interactive features with detailed restaurant information provided:
&9702; Address
&9702; Telephone number
&9702; Restaurant website
&9702; Opening hours
&9702; Accepted methods of payment
Flexible search feature by:
&9702; Restaurant name
&9702; Top rankings
&9702; Country and city
&9702; Cuisine
Map views showing directions on how to get to restaurants in all Asian cities GoogleMaps will be required
Ability to detect where user is and recommend the nearest top restaurants from The Miele Guide Please note that this feature will only be applicable on GPSenabled models.
Ability to mark favourite restaurants and plan your meal itinerary in advance
Buy Now to upgrade the Lite version to the Full version PayPal App will be required

App Name:Miele Guide Lite 2009-2010

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:1625 KB