e-Mobile GPS Tracker
Track locations in realtime, capture favorite vacation routes, scenic spots with personalized notes, photos, replay in Google Earth and share with friends
Track locations in realtime including latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and more.
Capture favorite vacation routes, scenic spots with personalized notes, photos.
Export personalized favorite trips, locations, view with Google Earth and share with friends.
Get detailed map and route information of POI PointofInterests.
Track current geolocation in real time. Including latitude, longitude, altitude, speed with compass, altimeter and speedometer.
Tag location with category, note, photo and alarm.
Display current location map with zoom capability.
Manage location favorites with ease.
Turn on/off alarm and view photo with single click.
Associate favorites with photos from web and on device. Instant photo capture from the application.
Locate saved geolocations or any physical address with detailed map and route information.
Export personalized locations and routes to Google Earth, save as outlook contact or email attachment and share your trip information route, notes, photos etc with friends.
App Name:e-Mobile GPS Tracker
App Version:1.0.0
App Size:2085 KB
Cost:US$19.99 USD