international calls Voydat

Voydat cheap international rates to call fixed and mobile in your country or abroad!

Receive an email with your registration information:

Your username is your phone in international format and password the you receive by email.

4444 mark then configure the application, the number of voicemail will serve to verify that the settings are correct.

To make calls or send sms need to dial 00 and the phone international format.

Voydat is available for BlackBerry other Smartphone devices and PC. Calls and SMS between users are free.

Free calls between users and SMS 0000 and marks the number of the user.

NO ESTA PERMITIDO ENLAZAR LLAMADAS O SMS CON LAS SIGUIENTES PLATAFORMAS: KakaoTalk , WhatsApp Messenger , Google Voice , Skype, eBuddy Messenger, viber, fring Video Calls chat VoIP. NO ESTA PERMITIDO ENLAZAR VIDEO Youtube, TV , spotify o Radio

international calls Voydat for blackberry app Screenshot

App Name:international calls- Voydat

App Version:3.0.0

App Size:1029 KB