
Centrl is a locationbased social network that helps you get moneysaving offers, keep in touch with friends and access many useful data layers such as restaurant reviews, events, interesting places, etc. around you.

Centrl is easy to use:
You can login to Centrl from your existing socialnetwork; no new account and no new profile to create. Centrl has applications in Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Ning, Orkut, Bebo and Friendster. You can login from these social networks and interact with all your friends. And Centrl is integrated with Twitter.

Centrl is practical:
Connect with your friends easily. Communicate with them for free no text messaging or SMS charges. Discover events, favorite places and special money saving offers around you.

Centrl is convenient:
You can easily connect to your social network Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Ning, Orkut, Bebo and Friendster from your BlackBerry. You can see your social network friends list and other data and interact with others.

Centrl for blackberry app Screenshot

App Name:Centrl

App Version:

App Size:312 KB