Queue Manager Pro

Queue Manager is a BlackBerry PlayBookApplication created with Adobes AIR Technology. With Queue Manager you can connect to your Netflix Queue and update your Netflix Queue on the go.

Rotten Tomatoes Reviews
Fast navigation with Jump to and Move to features
Adjust your quantity of returns with the Settings options
Easily search for titles
Organize and manage queues
Check out recommendations
Browse for titles
See titles that arent available
Save titles that are still in theaters for your queue
Search and browse by your favorite actor

Please try the free version first! If you enjoy it and want some more features this is a great upgrade!

If you have any issues please contact the developer for immediate assistance and support.

Only can save titles in theatres in disc form
No streaming available, contact Netflix and insist on this feature!
If you make lots of queue changes it may take as much as 30 seconds to be fully updated through Netflix all changes will be made.

Queue Manager Pro for blackberry Screenshot

App Name:Queue Manager Pro

App Version:

App Size:1131 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD