n-tv Nachrichten PlayBook

The latest news and videos from ntv, anytime and anywhere!

Now with live soccer ticker for all european leagues!

App. only available in German!


scroll articles and sections by moving your finger over the screen
Displaying articles
open news articles at the push of the article
Go back
To go back from an article to the previous view, just press the ZurückButton to the top left on the screen
You can reach different sections by tapping on the respective region on the black tab bar to the top of the screen. More sections can be found under Mehr
by swiping from the top left bezel area into the screen, you reach the settings. Here you are able to:
: decide whether you want to be informed about Breaking News by activating the push button
: delete all stored articles
: and if you want to activate the download mode see DownloadToGo
You can store articles, videos and image galleries locally with this function for e.g. offline viewage. Please assure that you have sufficient storage. Open an article and press the DownloadToGobutton after the article has loaded. You will get a confirmation when the article has been stored successfully. Please note that downloading and storing may take a significant amount of time depending on your data rate.
You can view your downloaded articles by tapping on the section Mehr and Download.
: Another possibility to download articles is the download mode which you can reach by using the settings Swipe from the top bezel area into the screen and press the button DownloadModus aktivieren. Articles which you can download are indicated by an arrow. Tap that arrow to download the article. This way, you can download several articles simultaneously.
Please note that downloading downloading many articles take up a lot of data volume. We recommenend a flat rate!
Please note that videos take up a lot of datavolume. We recommend a flatrate!

App Name:n-tv Nachrichten PlayBook

App Version:1.0.2

App Size:907 KB