
Looking for a burrito joint open now? An Irish pub nearby? A gas station you can drive to before your tank hits empty? Yelp for your BlackBerry is here to help. Use us to search for places to eat, shop, drink, relax and play then read reviews from an active community of locals in the know.


Search for businesses near you
Select quick links to find nearby bars, restaurants, cafes and more
Narrow your searches by price and what s open now
Browse reviews to read what s great and not so great in your city
Look up addresses and phone numbers for thousands of businesses, then call or map them from your BlackBerry

Note: While Yelp is available worldwide, you can only search for businesses in the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, France and Germany.

App Name:Yelp

App Version:2.1.0

App Size:1912 KB