GeoTrail enables spontaneous picture capture, associated with geocode and journalistic annotations to be uploaded onto web. Annotations created could be viewed at with your account
Contents overlaid onto BlackBerry map to facilitate sharing among social network. You could administer your private network, deciding which contents to be shared versus, contents only available to close friends.
Full web 2.0 app allowing private social network to share appealing scenic view, restaurants, pubs, eateries and other places of interest around the globe overlaid onto BlackBerry Map. App instantly transforms your BlackBerry handset into realtime journalist assistant, being able to report and share what you see instantly with the rest of the world.
The app also allows you to share you whereabouts with friends.
Your could further view the pictures you have captured in the web portal After activation, an email will be sent to notify you of the password.
If you find that you are not getting any network response in the app, you should probably set your APN . You can find this setting under OptionsAdvanced OptionsTCP, OptionsTCP or possibly ToolsTCP, depending on your phone model.
Version 2.0 overcomes some of the existing bugs and enhances GUI of GeoTrail
App Name:GeoTrail
App Version:3.0.0
App Size:411 KB
Cost:US$3.99 USD