Emergency First Aid + Treatment Guide
Travel smart with a First Aid & Treatment guide at your fingertips!
** New 2011 CPR guidelines now available **
Dont waste valuable time trying to search the internet in an emergency. Our First Aid & Treatment guide gives you reference to dozens of topics, symptoms and treatments that will help you manage almost any medical emergency quickly, correctly, and safely all local on your phone!
Topics include everything you need from a mobile first & treatment reference guide. There are even special sections covering what to do for infant and children emergencies, notes for professional healthcare providers, international emergency numbers, and more.
With in-house medical staff, close cooperation with American Heart Association and Red Cross and millions of hard-copy guides in print, weve been delivering accurate and trusted First Aid content for well over 30 years. Now you can get this great content on your phone!
Offline Access! There will always be a chance wireless or internet service will be unavailable or too slow when you urgently need help. Our guide runs local on your phone, so you will always have a fast local reference in an emergency – whenever and wherever you need it.
A must-have phone app!
Topics include:
1. Emergencies: What to Do
2. Fear and Panic
3. Choking – Adult
4. Choking – Child
5. Choking – Infant
6. CPR – Unresponsive Adult *NEW*
7. CPR – Unresponsive Child *NEW*
8. CPR – Unresponsive Infant *NEW*
9. Airway / Breathing *NEW*
10. Defibrillators / AED
11. CPR Summary *NEW*
12. Bleeding, Bruises, Internal Bleeding
13. Nosebleeds
14. Heart Attack / Stroke
15. Asthma Attack
16. Burns First, Second & Third Degree
17. Burns Electrical
18. Burns Chemical
19. Shock Anaphylactic Allergies *NEW*
20. Shock
21. Fractures & Sprains
22. Splinting
23. Back/Neck Injuries
24. Head Injuries / Concussion
25. Poisoning
26. Calling Poison Control *NEW*
27. Eyes Injuries
28. Convulsions / Seizures
29. Diabetic Emergencies
30. Fainting
31. Heat Cramp
32. Heat Exhaustion / Stroke
33. Cold Emergencies
34. Frostbite
35. Bites & Stings – Insects / Bees
36. Bites & Stings – Spider / Marine
37. Bites & Stings – Snake / Animal
38. Fever / Body Temperatures / Chart
39. Dental Injuries
40. Drowning
41. Emergency Births *NEW*
42. Emergency Births – What to Do
43. Emergency Births – Delivery
44. Emergency Births – After Birth
45. First Aid Kit – Essential Items
46. USA, Canada & International Emergency Numbers
47. About
48. Support
49. Fast Search! *NEW*
Medical information is based on the new 2011 guidelines of the American Red Cross and international health organizations.
Like all our phoneflips, this lightweight application has NO Adverts, NO In-App Purchases, never needs an internet connection and wont take up much space on your phone. SD Card Support.
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Please Note: The recommended treatments in this guide are believed to be compatible with the standards generally accepted at the time of publication. This guide is intended as a reminder, not a substitute, for professional medical personnel. The publisher disclaims any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents in this guide.
App Name:Emergency First Aid + Treatment Guide
App Version:1.0.0
App Size:305 KB
Cost:US$1.99 USD