
AlertaPolen is an application sponsored by AstraZeneca Respiratorio. An area of AstraZeneca Farmaceútica Spain S.A.
AlertaPolen application will report the levels of pollen in the Spanish cities where data centers are available. The data are measured and provided periodically by the network of stations Aerobiology Committee of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology SEAIC.

Settings: select the update of the application data manual or periodic.
Personalization: In the Information screen Pollen data will be offered based on the previous selection. Paragraphs in which you have to make the data selection are:

– My Allergies: lets you choose the types of pollen to which you are sensitive.

– Locations: Select the locations from which you wish to receive information. You can mark one as default, so that will be the first to be shown on screen. We present data for the localities in which there Measurement Centers. We advise you to select the one closest to your location.

– My Alarm: set for what types of pollen will receive a warning and if this warning will be audible or visual and audible. The selection can be made between the previously marked my allergies.

The SEAIC generally set alert levels for the different pollens. If you know your threshold of sensitivity may enter its value to customize it.

Pollen Information: Provides information on selected pollen types for each of the localities of interest and issuing warning notices based on user customization. It is also possible to run a manual update of data.
Medical Information: Provides help and information on pollen, respiratory system diseases and the activities and recommendations of the SEAIC.

Please note that the use of this application does not imply any contractual relationship with the developer, with SEAIC or AstraZeneca. The information provided should not be an exclusive orientation to for a patient to make decisions about their medication. If in doubt, we recommend you to consult your doctor or specialist in Allergy.

AlertaPolen for blackberry app Screenshot

App Name:AlertaPolen

App Version:1.2.0

App Size:1870 KB