30 day trial online trading application from Samuel Sekuritas for the Indonesian Stock Market
Get real-time quotes, running trade, charts and stock alerts

STARquote is is a trial application that allows real time stock quotes, running trade, charts, and stock alerts from the Indonesia stock market

MyQuotesstore up to 5 stocks for quick reference of latest price and percentage change
Running Tradesee the latest Indonesian stock trades streaming on your BlackBerry
MyAlertsreceive an e-mail alerts for up to 3 stocks when a stock reaches a certain price
StockFindersearch for all stocks on Indonesian stock exchange by stock code
Detail Quoteget Level II orders by price as well as key stock information
Chartsee a chart of stock for intraday, 1 month, 3 month, and 12 month time periods

Open an account at Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia and get the full version which includes
Realtime trading of Indonesian stocks
Order status tracking
Real Time portfolio balance and position
Trade Confirmations sent by e-mail or SMS

The information for these tools provided by Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia. Terms and conditions for software use apply. Please go to for more information.
Copyright 2010 by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia. All rights reserved.

App Name:STARQuote

App Version:1.145.0

App Size:710 KB