NPV Calculator
NPV Calculator allows you to calculate the present value of both cash inflows & outflows. NPV Net Present Value is an indicator of how much an investment or any project adds to a firm. NPV calculator calculates the value based on the cash-flows you entered. So, just enter the rate of interest & the cash flows, NPV will be calculated automatically.
When you open up the application, you will be seeing all your projects & its NPV. You can add any number of projects. You can select daily, weekly, monthly & yearly cash-flows, & see the NPV. If you need to add any transaction, then add the date, amount & whether its inflow Debit or outflow Credit. The present value will be displayed automatically.
* User friendly expense recorder
* Easy entry of your expenses.
* Customizable category section.
* Get the summary of your expenses daily, weekly, monthly & yearly
* Easy calculation of the present value.
* Option of automatically repeating any number of cash-flows.
* Limited number of inputs required to calculate the present value.
* Suggestion based on the Net present value will be given by the application.
* Ideal for those who deal with projects, investments & Business.
* Project name & the NPV will be displayed on the screen whenever you open the application.
* Minimum navigation needed to see the NPV of any project you need.
* For more details
App Name:NPV Calculator
App Version:1.0.0
App Size:26 KB
Cost:US$0.99 USD