Exgis Expense and Mileage Tracker
Exgis Expense and Mileage Tracker is the latest addition to the Exgis suite of solutions. It lets you log detailed records of expenses and mileage in seconds. This easy-to-use productivity tool is perfect for working on the go.
Easily customize your lists of clients, projects, currencies, locations, expense types, payment methods, and mileage categories for efficient data entry.
When you re ready, export your data to a spreadsheet and send it as an email attachment to your office or save it to your computer for future reporting.
Additional Features:
-Effective dated rates for expense types that are tracked in units
-Automatic calculation of total mileage based on starting and ending mileage readings
-Supports backup and restore via BlackBerry Desktop Manager
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App Name:Exgis Expense and Mileage Tracker
App Version:1.2.1
App Size:289 KB
Cost:US$7.99 USD