Take control of your finances! CashflowHawk will help you understand the numbers behind a capital purchase or investment in an easy and understandable manner. Make informed decisions and take control of your cashflow!
Property Cashflow Advanced: Calculate and save detailed property data for future reference. Calculates cashflow, loan repayments, annual yield, adjusted outgoings as well as adjusted net cashflow according to the chosen repayment frequency. Perfect to carry with you to inspections.
Property Cashflow Basic: Calculate and save basic calculations for property for future reference. Calculates cashflow, loan repayments, net cashflow and annual yield. Quicker than the advanced calculation.
Loan Repayments: Calculate loan repayments, interest-principal split %, interest paid over the life of a loan. Ideal for quick calculations and number verification.
Investment Returns: Calculate return on recurring investments over a period of time. Reports the total value reached at the end of the term and the interest earned over the period.
Investment Time To Value: Calculate the time it will take to reach a desired savings goal. Reports time taken, total value reached and interest earned over the period.
Max. Loan: Know what repayments you can afford? Calculate how what amount can be borrowed based on the repayment figure. Great for identifying the affordable price range for a significant purchase, e.g. a car.
Additional features:
Choose between principal+interest or interest-only loan types for calculations. Repayments can be calculated weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Choose the frequency of compounding interest rate from daily to annual for investment calculations to get accurate results.
Save your preferences so you dont need to keep entering basic information such as interest rate and loan duration each time.
App Name:CashflowHawk
App Version:1.0.20
App Size:56 KB
Cost:US$2.99 USD