1001 Ringtones Lite Free Ringtones

Welcome to the LARGEST collection of high-quality ringtones on App World!

You can listen to 250 of our 1000-plus fun and exciting ringtones. And you can download three full tones for free.


Try some of our free ringtones!


Assign custom ringtones for your friends, family and co-workers. Or just have fun listening to the huge variety of sounds. The ringtones are very unique and can be used in many ways.

Some ringtone sounds you will be able to preview:

– Background Beats
– Classical Songs
– Dance Beats
– Soothing Sounds
– Guitar Sounds
– Industrial Sounds
– Lounge Style
– Calm Sounds
– Smooth Funk
– Techno Beats
– And hundreds of other unique ringtones alarms, animal sounds, funny sounds, annoying sounds, interesting sound effects, etc

Stop paying for each ringtone you download! We took extra care to select only the best tones and are happy to offer them to you.

Note: The app downloads tones from the Internet. It only works when you are in range of Wi-Fi, your carriers network, or other connection sources.

App Name:1001 Ringtones Lite Free Ringtones

App Version:2.0.3

App Size:275 KB