Pangaea is a simple life simulator for education and experimentation. Place herbivores, predators and plants on a dusty prehistoric plane, set up the world the way you want, and let them go at it! You dont actually control the animals — just give them a world to live in and watch them go. With different initial settings, youll see population booms, mass extinctions, herding behavior, and other real natural phenomena.
Pangaea can be used as a tool to help teach the basics of natural population structure, cellular automata, or general computerized life simulation — or it can just be something to play with when youre bored. There are no real goals or ways to win or lose, just constantly different patterns. Try and set up a stable population that lasts for thousands of generations — its harder than you think!
Designed exclusively for BlackBerry PlayBook.
App Name:Pangaea
App Version:1.0.2
App Size:325 KB