Mobile Security TRIAL Anti theft
Note: No activation pin will be issued for trial version, just ignore the pop up and use the fully functional trial copy for 3 days.
This is an essential piece of software that any BlackBerry users must have, to prevent vital information to fall onto the wrong hands when stolen.
Wipe out all confidential information remotely when the BlackBerry is stolen and have the smart software tracks down the thief via SMS text, email, IMEI, IMSI and even find out the location of the thief!
Remote Data WipeOut
SMS Text Alert
IMEI Detection
IMSI Tracking
Location of thief
Multi SIM Cards
Tamper Proof
Customizable Message
Auto Start Up
Low Memory Resource
Remote Data WipeOut
Remotely send SMS text back to the thief to wipe out sensitive information in realtime Contacts, Categories, Emails, Phone Logs, Events, Memos, To Do Lists and Home User Subfolders of the stolen BlackBerry!
For example: phonebak+wipe+PASSWORD.
SMS Text Alert
When an unauthorized SIM card is inserted into the stolen BlackBerry, SMS text & email alert will be sent out immediately on the background to pre-defined number/email address e.g. spouse, colleague, IT dept about the theft.
Repetitive alerts can be set to send SMS Text Alert every minute on the background.
IMEI Detection
A number unique to every GSM phones used by the GSM network to identify valid devices and therefore can be used to stop a stolen phone from accessing the network.
*SMS Text Alerts are send from thief s own phone number, that includes IMEI & IMSI information to help in recovery.
IMSI Tracking
An unique number associated with all GSM network mobile phone users stored in the SIM inside the phone and is sent by the phone to the network.
Installation guide at Singapore
To purchase:
App Name:Mobile Security TRIAL Anti theft
App Version:2.1.0
App Size:124 KB