Yuba Sutter and Colusa Counties California Police and Fire Scanner

Have you ever wondered what your local law enforcement is up to? Well if you live in Yuba, Sutter, or Colusa County California, you dont need to wonder any longer! This app will launch a scanner feed for various police and fire departments within Yuba, Sutter, and Colusa Counties, and you can listen right from your BlackBerry!
If you would like a Police Scanner for your local Police or Fire Departments, EMT, or Airport, click the Contact the Developer button at the bottom the this page and let me know! I cant provide scanners for the UK or South Africa.
The scanner feed is provided by RadioReference under a creative commons license.

Yuba Sutter and Colusa Counties California Police and Fire Scanner for blackberry

App Name:Yuba Sutter and Colusa Counties California Police and Fire Scanner

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:23 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD