Healing Mantras For High Blood Pressure
Times Wellness presents Healing Mantras for tackling high blood pressure.
Blood Pressure Yes it`s true! Music Therapy has proven to reduce high blood pressure.
In general it is recommended for mild hypertension but when you take into consideration the effect it has on mood and breathing, it must benefit even in a contributory way, those who suffer also from moderate and severe hypertension.
Consider people who are under stress. If their stress is the cause of their high blood pressure, a regular session with the right music may help them relax, reducing the stress and so lower the blood pressure.
The Free App allows user to listen song for first 30 second. To listen songs completely you will have to buy using the inApp feature of the application.
App Name:Healing Mantras For High Blood Pressure
App Version:1.0.3
App Size:729 KB